Here is an excerpt from Justine Tarte’s blog that I have
found very enlightening and I wanted to share it with you:
With a "fixed"
mindset, your intelligence is static, with a "growth" mindset, your
intelligence can be developed...
A fixed mindset avoids challenges, while a growth mindset embraces
A fixed mindset gets defensive or gives up easily, while a growth mindset
persists in the face of adversity...
A fixed mindset sees effort as fruitless or worse, while a growth mindset
sees effort as a path toward mastery...
A fixed mindset ignores useful negative feedback, while a growth mindset
learns from criticism...
A fixed mindset feels threatened by the success of others, while a growth
mindset finds lessons and inspiration from the success of others...
A fixed mindset will plateau early and achieve less than their full
potential, while a growth mindset will reach ever-higher levels of success...